can bronchitis cause low lymphocyte count

can bronchitis cause low lymphocyte count
What can cause atypical lymphocytes - The. It means something is wrong with your liver. You could have a disease like hepatitis a, b, or c, or liver cancer, or be on chemotherapy or be taking some medicineLeukopenia (also known as leukocytopenia, or leucopenia, from Greek λευκό - white and πενία -deficiency) is a decrease in the number of white blood cells
What can cause atypical lymphocytes - The.
General Goal: To know the cause(s) of these diseases, the most common modes of transmission, and the major manifestations of these diseases. Specific Educational
Leukopenia - Wikipedia, the free.
Symptoms of Low Lymphocytes What does a increased liver function low.
Most common cause is disease called infectous mononucleuosis, other causes are rare and bad like maligenancy. SM MD Infections will cause elevated lymphocytes, and i
Respiratory Airway Infections: Bronchitis.